Chapter 770 Enthusiasm

She whispered this sentence and choked off the phone.

No matter how furious the other party is.

"You have no right to negotiate with me at all."

Su Cen said softly, his eyes flashed a trace of irony.

However, his hands couldn't help shaking. Under this calm surface, it was disappointment and anger to a father.


Just thinking, at my feet suddenly came a low voice calling like coquetry.

Su Cen looked blank, this just lowered his head and looked at a mass of white furry shrinking at his feet. "... Fu Xiaotuanzi?"

"Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof!"

Su Cen touched each other's soft hair and couldn't help laughing with a sloped voice. "Do you see that I am not very happy, so I hid at my feet and began to play coquetry?"

Her eyes are no longer as sharp as before. At this time, watching the small dumplings can't help but become soft. "It seems that during our absence from home, the food my aunt gave you was so good that you were fed fat."