Chapter 776 Lost

The umbrella in his hand was tightened by him.

Song Yue's voice sounded a little broken in the rain.

"I see, go back."

Su Cen can't bear to reach out and touch each other's head, or control himself. "Be careful on the road."

Su Cen turned and left after saying this.

The heavy rain is still falling, and the path on the road has become muddy.

Song Yue eyes a blur, the elder sister familiar back gradually disappeared in the rain. In the end, a touch of crystal clear things in his eyes still slipped down.

"Sister, you must remember to come and see me more..."

With his head down, Song Yue left.

The shadow of a white sweater, holding a black umbrella in the torrential rain, drifted away from her back.

Although he is only in his early twenties, the boy is very tall and is no longer the little pudding of that year.

Su Cen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at this situation, and couldn't help sighing faintly.