Chapter 779 Nightingale

Hearing this, I couldn't help but snort coldly.

Quite a little complaining: "Su Cen, I haven't said you yet. Don't you plan to contact me after going abroad for so long?"

After eating a bunch of peppers, Sarah Miller's spoiled big lady was suddenly so hot that her eyes couldn't help but have wet water drops, but the hotter she was, the more she wanted to eat them, and she couldn't stop.

Su Cen shook his head: "I went abroad to do serious business. I was so busy abroad that I almost ran out of time to drink water. Don't complain about why I didn't contact you."

Sarah Miller looked at each other's eyes, and obviously there was a particularly obvious dark circle under his eyes. He must have stayed up late these days.

My heart is touched, but my mouth is still adamant: "Luckily, I worry about your comfort every day at home."

After opening a can of beer, Sarah Miller handed it to Su Cen in front of him. "It's hard to go back to China or have a toast with me?"