Chapter 792 Jealousy

The old man's eyes were wet and his hands trembled for a long time.

At last nothing was said, but in silence he patted Aaron Anderson on the shoulder and went back to his room alone.

Aaron Anderson stood in the drawing-room, in the light, unable to see what was on his face, except that his eyelashes quivered and his fists tightened.

Just then, there was a click at the door.

Then heard a burst of footsteps came in, Aaron Anderson face calmly looked at the past, just with back home inside Fu Huan two people four eyes.

Fu Huan's eyes are also extremely surprised. After the reaction, the corners of the mouth evoke a sneer radian. "Hey, isn't this Fu Zong who is chic abroad every day?"

"Why do you think of coming here when you are free today? I thought Grandpa's affairs didn't interest you at all? Didn't you spend enough honeymoon outside with your wife?"