Chapter 803 Heartache

It is rare for Mrs. Fu to be very generous and gentle: "In a few days, there will be a small family gathering at home, and you happen to be back. Get ready when you have time."

Don't come up with some shameful things then.

Fu Huan pretended to be clever and nodded: "OK, aunt."

Family gatherings in the Anderson family are not ordinary gatherings.

Usually, Mrs. Fu is a guest, entertaining some noble ladies from the upper class to visit her home, and exchanging some items that have been treasured for many years, tasting tea and chatting.

When Fu Huan left the living room, Mrs. Fu's face suddenly sank, and Zhou Shu came up from behind.

"Do you want me to prepare for something, madam?"

"No need."

Mrs. Fu said softly: "Night and Su Cen are at home now, and the rights in his hands have already been put away by the old man. Even if he wants to do anything, he can't afford to turn over any storms."

Zhou Shu nodded, frowning into a "Chuan" word.

Want to speak but dare not speak.