Chapter 829 Unwilling

Song Yue looked at Su Cen with a pair of red eyes.

He clearly still unwilling.

The feelings that I think are suppressed in my heart emerge like a surging river at this time. Su Cen is red-eyed by this strong feeling in Song Yue's eyes, and subconsciously takes a step back: "You..."

Song Yue watched the elder sister retreat, as if avoiding it, and a gloom flashed in her eyes: "Elder sister, since he doesn't love you, why don't you consider me?"

Su Cen pursed her lips. She looked at her toes in confusion, but she didn't speak or say a word. Silence, let Song Yue upset, has been unable to find a chance to speak.


Song Yue didn't want to miss it. When the two men had contradictions, they stepped in. Just wanted to take a step forward, they suddenly saw Su Cen holding the rope in his hand and turning away, expressionless.

He couldn't help but panic: "Don't go, wait for me!"