Chapter 832 Wrestling and Tearing

The left eye is blue, and the right eye is still swollen.

Song Yue corners of the mouth a grin a grin, pain "hiss" call, muscle involved very painful, but the in the mind is very cool, he was Su Cen blocked behind, although injured seriously, Aaron Anderson is not good at this time.

The look on his face became cold visible to the naked eye.

Presumably just came back from the company, still wearing a black suit, the white shirt inside has been dirty, the rolled-up sleeves, a gold button missing, the chest collar wide open, and a red mark on it, which is the mark left by being beaten.

Where are the buttons?

She stared at Aaron Anderson, but her mind kept thinking that Aaron Anderson was a cleaner and wouldn't let people touch his clothes, so she remembered that Aaron Anderson wore suits to work in the company, and she took care of them all.