Chapter 835 Leave

A few days later, Wei Yu inexplicably received a lot of work.

It's the last straw to crush the camel.

He wants to look at the little secretary without tears: "Are you sure these are all given to me by Fu Zong?"

"Yes!" The little secretary nodded sincerely and looked at Wei Yu sympathetically: "Fu Zong also said that when he came back, you should finish all the work and check it!"

Finally, he added: "Fu Zong has asked for leave these days."

Wei Yu really wants to find a piece of tofu and kill him. In the recent month, he worked overtime every day, accompanying Aaron Anderson, who was injured to his heart's content, to work hard in the company. He finally got a rest, and added several heavy burdens on his shoulders. Is it still too late for him to resign now?

The answer is obviously no.

These days, Aaron Anderson handed over all the work behind him to Wei Yu. Instead of going back to Phantom Court, he returned to Fu Zhai.

After all, there is something he wants there.