Chapter 840 Beating a Rival in Love

"What do you think these two small medicine bottles do?"

The assistant shook his head to show that he didn't know.

"Now that we have got it, then, naturally, we will stop and go back."

"Fu Zong, there are so many things in that warehouse. Why do you only want us to take these things? I'm afraid these things are not worth mentioning for that person?"

"You don't know, other things have no meaning, just some books and so on. Like this medicine, we can let people decompose it and see what ingredients are inside."

At the end, the smile on Aaron Anderson's face disappeared.

He wanted to see what drugs Quinton Richardson had used to control Suzen, which was what he wanted to know most. However, whatever else was no longer in Aaron Anderson's consideration, and he didn't care what Quinton Richardson's family was doing behind their backs.

As long as it is not about Su Cen, he is absolutely not interested in knowing these things.

The assistant nodded in understanding.