Chapter 842 Down the Horse

Song Yue shrugged his shoulders: "Aaron Anderson, my elder sister has been very unhappy these days, but you have stayed in the company all day. I'm afraid you don't know at all?"

Aaron Anderson was stunned and didn't speak again.

Just like knowing each other's death points and pain points, Song Yue suddenly felt very good. "So what qualifications do you have to stand in front of me and say this to me?"

"And I tell you, emotional things can't be forced at all, just like I like my elder sister. Tell me how to dislike it?"

"Do you think I will be very happy when I see the elder sister with you? No, you don't know how much I hate you, but I obviously get it but don't know how to cherish it."

Song Yue more said more angry, he can only do a foil, Su Cen even if the feelings of Aaron Anderson is not clear, she really did refuse him last night, and refused more than once.

God knows how heartbroken he is.