Chapter 849 Tear

"Suzen, let's talk."

Aaron Anderson rubbed his eyes wearily, his lips slightly wet.

"I admit that I like you very much. Since you can feel it, I think it is necessary to tell you."

Somehow, Aaron Anderson looked tired. Under the dim light, he reflected his handsome appearance. At this time, he was slightly tired. Even at the end of his eyes, he was red and looked extremely fragile and pitiful.

Su Cen wanted to go to the bathroom.

Looking back, "I can feel your love." As he spoke, he lowered his eyes and laughed at himself: "If it weren't for your love for me, according to what I did to you these days, you would not have come to Phantom Court again."

Although she did not understand what was going on in her heart, she could only feel it. Aaron Anderson's sadness and sadness were always written on her face, and she saw it at a glance.