Chapter 860 Critically ill

Mrs. Fu was unbearable and humiliated. She pushed Fu Father with one hand, and then the assistant came forward. Just wanted to call two people to separate and calm down, she saw that he suddenly fainted, and the whole person almost fell to the ground.

Su Cen has already noticed it.

She ran forward in three steps and two steps, and caught the old man with her hand, so as not to let the faint old man fall to the ground. Only then did she raise her head and say anxiously, "Come on! Grandpa's illness has been committed!"

Mrs. Fu looked at her hand stupefied. She just pushed it gently. She didn't expect it. The old man actually said he fainted.

The assistant also turned his head and looked at his wife anxiously: "Madam, let's send the old man to see a doctor first, otherwise it will be too late later!"

Fu Mrs. this just returned to absolute being, look at the complex look will old man help in the bosom inside Su Cen.