Chapter 871 Worries

Song Yue peeled the apple silently with his head down. He said nothing.

With his head down, he reveals a particularly slender radian and white porcelain-like skin. At this time, the teenager is more vulnerable. After a long time, the teenager's unhappy voice came: "Sister, don't scare me like this next time, I can't stand this scare..."

The smile on Su Cen's face suddenly stiffened on his face.

She didn't understand her younger brother's words.

Ask yourself, even Su Cen himself doesn't know that these days have passed in a muddle, not only saying that they hurt Aaron Anderson and let them hurt each other, but also doing such a thing now.

She has no way to theorize, after all, it is indeed her own fault.

"Don't worry, I probably won't do this again in the future."

Su Cen lowered his eyes and covered the sadness inside.