Chapter 885 Wake Up

The little nurse said that Fu's president was handsome and more perfect than the characters in the painting, but he was too cold and clear. He woke up without saying a word, and almost froze people across the distance.

The head nurse on the side couldn't help shaking his head: "The patient's body is just right. Do you ask him to be alive and kicking as soon as he wakes up?"

The little nurse rolled her eyes and then bragged with a smile: "I'm not exaggerating. Anyway, people are better-looking than stars. If you want to sign autographs later, you have to wait in line to know?!"

"Xiao Zhou Jie, when can you let me go in and have a look?"

"This is a senior ward, and the people above give orders. If there is no special thing, the average person can't get in. Of course I have the ability, if I want to go in..."

"Alas, who are we with? Looking at the mutual affection in the past, Sister Zhou, take me in!"

"Easy to say..."