Chapter 896 Planning

Out of the hospital, my heart is at a loss.

With a document in her hand, she had just walked to the door when a woman in white came. Su Cen had met this person and was a female secretary in Aaron Anderson's company.

Because it is difficult to even if you don't notice it. It is said that this secretary is a primary school sister in Aaron Anderson University. She is tall and slender, with a fair face and a big wavy curly hair hanging lazily behind her waist.

Su Cen didn't know how to feel in his heart, and suddenly he was a little sour.

She took a document brought by Aaron Anderson from the other party, including a box. The secretary smiled and said, "Miss Su, I gave it to you at night, saying it was for you to take good care of it."

"... I see." Su Cen's tone is extremely hard.

She unconsciously looked up and down the Aaron Anderson elementary school sister standing in front of her, her throat rolling, and finally said nothing.