Chapter 907 The Peacemaker

It's just stalking and beating, and staying with him with a shy face.

Can't compare, can't compare.

"He doesn't like me."

Yan Ning evoked a lip angle and smiled, not reaching the fundus.

The evening breeze blows gently, and a wisp of ink hair drifts across her soft face, slightly haggard, and her eyes are also a Qing Wu. I want to come these days, and they also torture each other.

Su Cen then silenced and didn't speak again.

Perhaps time will prove that it is useless for others to say more.

"Why don't you talk? Seeing you like this, you won't be sad for me, will you?"

Yan Ning smiled gently and then said, "You don't have to do this. I never regret the way I chose."

She finished with a blank face, picked up the cigarette in her hand again, and took a gentle breath against the evening breeze. The smell of nicotine suddenly filled the air, and Su Cen frowned slightly.

In fact, Yan Ning was not a smoker before this.