Chapter 926 Graduation Early

When the dim light at the bedside was turned off, I fell asleep all night.

When I woke up the next day, it was already bright.

Su Cen dimly opened his eyes, and memories welled up in his mind. What happened last night.

She quickly grabbed the quilt, glanced at the position beside her very guiltily, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Aaron Anderson had already left.

It's good to go.

Otherwise, she couldn't face Aaron Anderson. The two people who just broke up signed the divorce agreement, and woke up the next morning to find themselves lying in the same bed.

Su Cen sighed with great resignation.

Pull up the quilt and get up from bed, wearing the bear pajamas before, and be ridiculed for being naive several times, but I feel nothing, after all, getting used to it naturally.

"Are you awake?"

Su Cen had just yawned and stretched.