Chapter 928 Moving a House

Nowadays, the information age is developing rapidly. If you want to know whether a person is famous or not, you only need to search on the Internet.

However, among these names, there suddenly appeared a particularly controversial name before, which made people wonder. Sucen and the company behind it were naturally found.

So the pot exploded, and together with the previous gossip, people on the Internet now have everything to say.

However, Su Cen doesn't care.

For such a situation, she is happy to see it come true, almost thinking of some bad tastes. The more flustered those people are, the happier she is now, and even can't help laughing face upwards.

It's just that I'm not so happy when I get home.

Because he drove home, Aaron Anderson had come out with his suitcase without saying anything. Su Cen frowned and looked at Aaron Anderson. For a long time, he asked, "Why don't you get out of crutches?"
