Chapter 937 Fishing

The days are as plain as water.

Soon, a week passed.

Also came to the appointed day.

Li Si was in high spirits. He called Su Cen several times this week. However, he always got the answer that he was very busy and had no time, so that he became more and more anxious later.

After thinking about the days, I can almost start closing the net.

After Su Cen got off work, he called Li Si and told him that he had time this evening. They could make an appointment to meet at a place.

Li Si's window period was too long, so he finally met. Naturally, he was very eager and enthusiastic. He set the place in the coffee shop and wanted to be a person with emotional appeal.

"At eight o'clock this evening, the old place will be there or be square."

Looking at the text message on the mobile phone, Su Cen raised his eyebrows.

Aside, Aaron Anderson called back and asked her if she would go back to dinner. Su Cen wanted to refuse Aaron Anderson, and finally pinched it, as promised.