Chapter 947 Reconciliation

Lips and teeth depend on each other, and the smell of blood is diffuse.

Su Cen didn't know how to explain it, as if Aaron Anderson would escape anything, so she simply showed with practical actions that if she were as she is today, she would be really angry.

Gasping for breath, Aaron Anderson hung his head against hers. "Su Cen, why do you have to..."

"I said," Su Cen's eyes were very bright in the night, and his tone was unquestionable. "No matter what you are, you will be my man for the rest of your life. If you run away without saying a word like this without my permission, you will have no good fruit to eat!"


Aaron Anderson bowed his head helplessly, but he felt very relaxed in his heart, as if this day had finally come, and he would exchange this inexplicable compassion for each other's love.

In my heart, I don't know why it is sour.

But it's enough to keep it now, isn't it? At least you can have it.

This is the end of a game of chasing after each other.