Chapter 953 Rumors

"Ah, have you heard? The Anderson family is not peaceful recently. I heard that the gentleman is going to give up his position!"

"Aaron Anderson? Isn't he abroad?"

"Don't say anything unrealistic here, if you are found out, you will have no good fruit to eat."

"Sisters upstairs, take a good look downstairs, this matter is a real hammer! The person who took over seems to be called Fu Huan! Recently, everyone has been pulled out! It turned out to be the illegitimate child of their family!"


"This can still have a fake? It has already been rumored abroad, but the hero has never appeared and spent his honeymoon abroad with his wife!"

"Ah! I didn't expect my generation of male gods to fall like this..."

"Come on, what's good about that grim-faced Yan in Aaron Anderson? Fu Huan looks handsome, and what point can't be compared? What's more, people still have wrists, illegitimate children have been dug up for so many years, my God! Is this the legendary beauty?!"