Chapter 955 Traces


For some reason, the old man on the other end of the phone suddenly coughed twice, with a feeling of depression, which made people realize that something was wrong.

It's just that Su Cen didn't hear it at this moment. She was all focused on Aaron Anderson. After a long time, she heard the old man's dry voice from the opposite microphone: "He? I haven't called me for a long time..."

"How can..." Su Cen involuntarily frowned and then asked: "Grandpa, pay attention to your health." All she can think about now is where Aaron Anderson is.

"Well, Sue girl..."

Just wanted to hang up the phone, but the old man sighed gently at the opposite end. Su Cen was stunned: "Grandpa, do you have anything else to explain?"

Fu father gently sighed a sigh, a long time, just spit out a sentence from his mouth, and hung up the phone. Leaving Su Cen, who stood in place with a puzzling face, didn't think much about it.

It seems that there is only one way now.