Chapter 959 Wake Up

Malicious words have been hovering in my ears.

Fu father in addition to cough is cough, physical condition is not as good as before, he didn't even give Fu Huan a look.

Perhaps feel boring, Fu Huan came over this evening, like a taste, under the old man's cold eyes, self-care like a madman said some words to make himself angry.

Then he left the room, leaving only one heart-wrenching cough after another...

Aaron Anderson finally woke up and opened his eyes, only to find that he didn't have the slightest strength all over him.

He frowned involuntarily. What happened? Memories came up, and he clearly remembered that he was...

I just wanted to sit up from bed and look around.

I heard a special caring word coming from the bedside-

"How are you, Aaron Anderson? Are you feeling better?"

The tone is urgent and slightly concerned.

It seemed that he was really worried about him, but Aaron Anderson didn't feel happy when he heard it, and even a little sick.