Chapter 969 Fear


The next second, Aaron Anderson snorted at once.

Drips of blood fell on the wooden floor, dyeing Queenie Simmons's eyes red. She was more excited when she looked at the blood falling on the ground: "Say it! Keep talking!"

Aaron Anderson looked miserable and couldn't help gritting his teeth tightly and snorting.

Queenie Simmons seemed to be greatly satisfied in his heart. Looking at his painful appearance, he instantly went crazy, just like a shura evil spirit climbing up from hell. At this time, there was no personality at all.

"You are a cripple, are you not in the same boat with me? Who do you despise here? I tell you, don't think you can escape from here without me touching you now."

"Even if that cheap woman came, I would also let you two do a pair of bad karma mandarin ducks! Because I became what I am now all thanks to you! Are you satisfied?!"


But hostages are hostages after all.