Chapter 976 Excitement

The warmth of a foreign country has new research results this time.

And made new progress from the medicine. After two months, she finally discovered the ingredients that can promote the immunity of human body. Generally speaking, it can enhance the recovery ability of human body.

This is an accidental discovery, because the warmth of this medicine is used in their own body, they are the carrier, she got the results immediately after the phone told Su Cen.

The tone is excited and anxious, like a child who has got sugar and needs praise urgently.

Su Cen smiled and praised her casually. It was a heart that was obviously not here. Even if you heard the formula of the medicine, there was no fluctuation.

Warmth obviously heard it, and asked her what happened here. If necessary, she could take foreign resources to China, but this proposal was rejected by Su Cen.

Meanwhile, the other side.