Chapter 987 Forgive You


Song Yue, like a treasure, pushed the white box in his hand to the table, staring at Su Cen with a pair of innocent eyes.

"Sister, this is what Dr. Wen asked me to bring to you. She said that this drug was studied according to the list you asked her to test before. After so long, it finally fell."

"Did she tell you anything else?"

Su Cen carelessly picked up the bottle from the table and played with it, but did not open it to look closely.

In fact, she had already learned about the drug.

Warmth has been excited on the other end of the phone before, saying that it is this drug, which will enhance people's immunity. Anyway, it sounds hanging in the balance. Su Cen doesn't have much research on this drug, and he has been preoccupied.

Song Yue said: "She didn't say anything else, but it seems that Dr. Wen intends to return home recently."