Chapter 996 Run Away

"How is it, the other party can send news again."

Su Cen is hiding in a very ordinary taxi. She is carrying a headset, and there are some fine electric current sounds from it.

It took about a minute or so.

The other party who called at this time came the news, and the voice was a bit cold and inhuman: "I haven't found it yet."

Then, with a "ding" sound, the communication in the headset was suddenly cut off.

Su Cen suddenly angrily tore off the headset in his ear, fell on the steering wheel, and sighed with great frustration.

In fact, she has been here for about five hours, just because it is a crossroads with a lot of traffic, and all kinds of transportation around it, when it comes to work, will block the whole traffic.

Because the news came from the people in Aaron Anderson's hand, saying that Xu Wei would pass by here every day, this is the only figure that can be found on the monitoring, driving a van, which is very ordinary, and she stayed here for several hours.