Chapter 1007 Empty Gun

Aaron Anderson saw the chain on Su Cen's foot.

He picked up the gun in his hand and pointed the muzzle at the man in front of him: "Hand over the key, and you can spare your life."

Brother Kai faced the threat of these two men, as if he didn't realize his difficulties. A plain face suddenly flashed a sneer: "Do you think it will be useful after grabbing the gun in my hand?"

Aaron Anderson suddenly frowned. "I won't say a good thing again."

Su Cen looked at the man called Brother Kai in front of her eyes and suddenly realized that something was wrong. She leaned against Aaron Anderson, motioned for him with her eyes, and then took the gun from his hand.

Aaron Anderson spoke without particular approval: "Be careful."

After all, swords and guns have no eyes.

But Su Cen is very skilled in her hand. After a moment, she didn't listen to Aaron Anderson's greeting at all. She opened the insurance directly and pulled the trigger without saying anything!