Chapter 1009 Tricks

Brother Kai was the first person to realize that something was wrong.

Xiao Mu looked at Kai Ge's face, which gave Su Cen a vicious look: "What tricks do you want to do?"

Su Cen's calm face spit out words but suffocating: "Because, I don't want to play with you anymore."

Opposite two people still don't know what to mean, and see at this time, Su Cen from the neck of clothes, took out a red headset tied to the body, toward each other there people don't know what to say.

Under the gaze of Xiao Mu, her eyes are calm and cruel.

At this critical juncture, Xiao Mu subconsciously raised his gun, but this time he didn't think at all, staring at Aaron Anderson's head and pulling the trigger directly!


Gunfire without silencers suddenly rang through the sky.

However, Aaron Anderson was unharmed at all.

"Xiao Mu!"

Xiao Mu forehead immediately before a bullet to his head to punch through, immediately blood dripping wet, he opened a pair of incredible eyes, so straight down.