Chapter 1019 Mental Patients

Xu Wei was finally regarded as a mental patient, but in fact she was already crazy in essence. She was finally sent to a mental hospital, and spent her whole life in a mental hospital.

Later, Su Cen also went to see her several times.

However, Xu Wei has been severely burnt out of his brain since he escaped from the sea of fire.

Later, day after day, Xu Wei began to grow older quickly and twice as much as normal people. The muscles on her face were flabby, and she didn't know what she was talking about all day.

It looks no different from patients in mental hospitals.

Su Cen stood at the door for a long time.

Until her feet were almost soft, she looked at Xu Wei, who was lying in the tightly closed ward door and had been sedated and quiet, and said quietly: "Goodbye, master."

Aaron Anderson came up from the side, tapped her on the shoulder gently with his hand, smiled at each other, and then left the yard hand in hand.

This is the last time Su Cen saw Xu Wei.