Chapter174: Severe Punishment

Nathan released his hold on Crystal's wet core and took a half-step away from her. She was right. He was afraid - afraid that when Helen's baby came, external forces would push him and Crystal apart.

Crystal blinked in surprise and said, 'I like your strong, powerful side."

Nathan grinned, and then he thrust his hips towards her. 'Is it this strong, powerful side that you're talking about?" he asked playfully.

Crystal sighed and said, 'Let's be serious for a minute, okay. You don't need to be afraid, and it's not that I don't want to have your baby; it's just that I don't want to have a baby now. I don't want to make our relationship too confusing. And I'm still very young!"

'You have no right to an opinion of your own," Nathan argued. 'You are my wife, and you are of breeding age, so I don't even know why we're having this conversation..."