Chapter 7: THE GIFT

Sarah was stunned. She grabbed her phone and went over to her window. Charles was outside, standing in the middle of a burning heart-shaped firework. He saw her in the window and shouted, "Sarah, I love you! Happy birthday!"

As it all began to sink in, Sarah realized that she couldn't possibly feel sorry for herself for both her sister and her lover had remembered her birthday and cared for her. Clearly, Charles had just wanted to give her a surprise. Suddenly, she began to cry. Hearing her cries down the phone, Sophia asked, "What's the matter with you? Why are you crying?"

She quickly explained what was going on to Sophia and told her she would call her back later. Once she had hung up the phone, she ran downstairs to greet Charles.

Charles smiled and opened his arms, waiting for Sarah's embrace.

Then when Sarah ran into his arms, he immediately picked her up, spun her around, and kissed her.