Chapter 42: AT THE WEDDING

Afterward, things were orderly: Sarah put on the wedding dress, make-up, and got ready. Sarah's friends and bridesmaids also came, got changed, and then had their make-up done. Then, they took several pictures. After doing this, it was just before dawn, so they began to drive to the church. Sophia, who was finally waking up, was very active and kept talking in the car. Charles jokingly called her a sparrow. Then he quietly took Sarah's hand and said, "Seeing your sister like this, I feel like our children will have a healthy heart. You can always protect the people you love very well."

After listening to the priest's prayers and exchanging the rings in the church, they went back to Charles's villa, where everyone - their relatives, friends, celebrities - came. Charles's garden was beautifully decorated – it was like an imperial palace. Everything was like a dream - so wonderful, so unreal.