At first, it was an innocent kiss, and Sarah enjoyed this feeling. But given the fact that Charles was a strong, energetic man, his physical desire woke again, and his hands started moving on her body. Sarah hurried to push him away and said. "I'm hungry! I have no time to play with you."

Charles laughed lightheartedly. "You're really so good at seducing me, then rejecting me." Taking a deep breath, he then added. "Okay, you win. Let's go eat the noodles before they are cold."

Both got up at the same time and went to the balcony, which was filled with flowers. They ate, fed each other, and chatted happily. Even though their lunch was basic, they enjoyed being together.

It was warm and relaxing outside. Sitting outside just the two of them, it seemed that the world was perfect, without any troubles, only the two of them existed. It was 4 p.m. when Sarah finally said. "Look, it's your fault that we spent so much time eating lunch. Now it's time for supper already."