Chapter 90: DID YOU GET HURT?

Carrie asked Sarah, "Since you seem to like kids, why not have one?"

Sarah shook her head, "We are not going to have a baby until we have a stable life."

"Why? Does your husband not want one?"

Sarah shook her head again, "No, he wants to have a baby, but I think it's too early." Sarah didn't have the sense of security needed to bring a child into their marriage. She didn't know how long their marriage would last and didn't want to bring a baby into the mix. After all, if they ended up divorced, her baby would have no father. She had experienced this feeling and didn't want her child to grow up without his or her dad.

From her words, Carrie knew that Sarah wasn't confident in her marriage, and asked. "Sarah, tell me what happened between you and your husband. We have known each other for so many years if there really is something you can tell me. Maybe I can give you some advice."