Chapter 132: Your Dad Treat You Will

On Sunday, Charles announced to everyone that he wanted to take Sarah out as they were starting to feel bored from having been stuck at home for so long. Christina wasn't happy to hear them going out alone, but Mr. Thomas encouraged them to have a day off to enjoy themselves. Thus they went out for the day.

Once in the car, Charles said to Sarah. "I haven't seen your smile for a long time, are you in a better mood lately?"

Sarah covered her mouth with one hand and smiled, "I'm only pregnant, but suddenly everyone is treating me so well, which makes me feel a little embarrassed."

"This is your first pregnancy, and in our family, it's the first grandchild, which makes it extra special and everyone is happy." Charles suddenly had a sad undertone in his voice when speaking of his father. "And my dad…you know… he has been waiting for this for a long time now, and finally his dream came true…" he sighed helplessly.