Chapter 148: I See How Much You Love Her

The police advised Charles to leave. Charles glanced at his mother but couldn't tolerate seeing her out of control and turned to leave. Christina's screams were heard from the outside as she resisted the police who were handcuffing her until she finally collapsed in sadness and anger.

Charles turned to the wall, lowered his head, and punched the wall fiercely with his fist, decadent and frustrated. No matter what, that woman was his mother. Despite everything she had done to him, he still felt sad to see her in this condition.

Daniel walked toward him and patted him on the shoulder. "I know it's hard. If it helps, cry it out. She is your mom after all, and nobody will blame you for feeling this way."

Charles turned around and looked at Daniel with red and wet eyes. It was evident that he was crying inside, but he still controlled himself from the outside.

"I'm all right!" He said indifferently.