Chapter 4 Are You Here to Help or to Sabotage?_1

Zhao Lianqing was around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, tall and handsome. Coupled with his proper attire and refined demeanor, he attracted the attention of many girls as they passed by.

Song Yuru said, "Yushan, Lianqing knew we were coming, so he specifically took leave to accompany us. He's been running around, taking care of us the whole way. Such a good kid."

Zhao Lianqing immediately responded humbly, "Uncle, auntie, these are all things Lianqing should do. Being able to accompany you is also my honor."

Song Yuru said with a laugh, "If it weren't for Lianqing keeping me company and talking to me, I would've been bored to death on this trip, with this old man who is as silent as a gourd."

Qiao Yushan knew her parents' intentions all too well. Zhao Lianqing was handpicked by her father and was highly favored by him. They had wanted the two of them to date two years ago, and Zhao Lianqing had indeed been very attentive to her.

It was undeniable that Zhao Lianqing's credentials were indeed impressive. At only twenty-eight years old, after graduating from military school and serving in the army, he had reached the rank of major before leaving the service. Returning to civilian life, he had immediately become a section chief in a government department, with a promising future ahead.

But the most important thing was, Qiao Yushan herself did not want to date so early, and she really didn't have feelings for Zhao Lianqing. Who could have expected that this time her parents would bring Zhao Lianqing along? It was clear they intended to force her into a relationship.

Fortunately, this time she had found Su Weifeng to be a fake boyfriend, providing her with a good excuse. But as her gaze swept across Su Weifeng, and seeing his somewhat lazy demeanor, she doubted whether he could win her parents' approval, whether he could help her get through this ordeal. She really had no confidence.

"Mom, Dad, let me introduce you…" Qiao Yushan changed the subject, "This is Su Weifeng, my boyfriend."

Su Weifeng quickly stepped forward and greeted them respectfully, "Hello, uncle and auntie."

It was as if Qiao Yushan's parents had only just noticed Su Weifeng. Qiao Yuanzheng's gaze was sharp, while Song Yuru looked Su Weifeng over and nodded, saying, "Suddenly having a boyfriend appear like this, I really need some time to get used to it."

Su Weifeng smiled slightly and said, "I've heard a lot about uncle and auntie from Yushan, and I've seen pictures, but it's only upon meeting you in person that I realize, uncle truly has the bearing of a great general, and auntie is so dignified and elegant. Plus, you look so young. If I had seen you separately, I could never have imagined you were Yushan's mother."

"Hmph, smooth talker!" Qiao Yushan's father snorted, showing his displeasure.

"Oh man! This is like complimenting the horse's legs instead of its back." Su Weifeng couldn't help but be amused. Zhao Lianqing spoke similarly, and they didn't mind, but when he did it, it was considered smooth-talking—what an unfair treatment.

However, Su Weifeng, who had weathered many storms, remained composed and said, "You're right to correct me, uncle. I rehearsed that line for quite some time, and even I found it awkward to say."

Qiao Yushan's face darkened instantly. What are you even saying? Denying it now just makes it worse.

Indeed, Song Yuru's expression turned sour as she said, "So what you're saying is... everything you just said was a lie."

Qiao Yuanzheng's expression grew even darker, while Zhao Lianqing didn't seem to show much change on his face. However, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Su Weifeng scratched his head and said, "Of course it's not fake, I'm not trying to make a good impression on uncle and auntie. But talking like this really feels awkward. Even if uncle and auntie don't think highly of me, I don't want to pretend to be cultured. I just think uncle is imposing, and Yushan really does resemble auntie."

Song Yuru's brows did not relax, but Qiao Yuanzheng's look at Su Weifeng softened a bit.

Qiao Yushan felt the atmosphere was really not great and hurriedly said, "Mom and Dad, it's too hot here. Let's get in the car and go home before we continue talking."

In the car, Qiao Yushan talked more than usual, mentioning how the grandparents and various cousins were doing. Normally, she wouldn't chat about these topics, but now if she could minimize her parents' interaction with Su Weifeng, she'd say less.

Half an hour later, everyone had arrived at Qiao Yushan's home.

The house Qiao Yushan lived in was roughly one hundred square meters, with two bedrooms and a reasonably spacious living room, furnished simply, though it seemed a bit cluttered. A career-oriented strong woman, she obviously wasn't meticulous about these things. Fortunately, there wasn't anything particularly messy in the living room that could cause embarrassment.

Everyone sat on the sofas in the living room. Song Yuru gave Zhao Lianqing a look and then started talking to Qiao Yushan about this and that. She did not question Su Weifeng, nor did she want Qiao Yushan to interfere.

Zhao Lianqing cleared his throat and said to Su Weifeng, "Brother Su, I have known Yushan for many years and have always liked her. I was surprised to find she suddenly had a boyfriend. But rest assured, I'm not the petty type. If Yushan can really find someone who can make her happy, I'll bless her too."

Song Yuru and Qiao Yuanzheng both nodded approvingly. Zhao Lianqing's grace was one of the main reasons they liked him.

Su Weifeng shook his head and replied, "I admire your magnanimity, but I don't share the same view. I like Yushan, so I'm going to do everything I can to win her over. I won't believe that someone else could like her more than I do, otherwise she wouldn't be with me."

Zhao Lianqing frowned and said, "Shouldn't loving someone be about making them happier? Isn't your way of thinking a bit selfish?"

Su Weifeng nodded earnestly and answered, "Love is inherently selfish. When I fell in love with Yushan, my heart had no room for anyone else, and I couldn't tolerate her being with someone else. If you're so open-minded, I can only say that you don't truly love Yushan as much."

Zhao Lianqing opened his mouth, then shook his head with a smile and said, "Maybe you're right. But loving someone isn't just verbal; it requires capability. May I ask what Brother Su is doing for a living now?"

Su Weifeng replied naturally, "I've just returned from military service and haven't decided what I want to do yet."

Qiao Yushan was quite satisfied with Su Weifeng's earlier words; they seemed manly enough. But when she heard what he said now, her face turned dark on the spot.

Wasn't it agreed that you were a general manager? How come it's changed now? Even if it has changed, couldn't you say something credible? Not having decided after demobilization means you're unemployed, could you possibly make it sound any worse? Are you here to help, or to make things worse?