Chapter 6: It's Actually True_1

Su Weifeng truly wasn't bragging—Dragon Roar! That was the nation's most mysterious and most powerful special forces unit; any member within it was a top elite selected through various levels within the army, and the missions they executed were the most critical and dangerous, where they could lose their lives at any moment.

Therefore, every person in Dragon Roar received the best treatment, especially in terms of rank. Su Weifeng, the team captain, was directly a major general, and the members, at the very least, were all colonels.

Because of the secrecy and special nature of Dragon Roar, when he left Dragon Roar, he retired on record with another unit's location and was only known as a colonel to the outside world.

After spending a long time in the Dragon Roar squad, Su Weifeng really didn't have a strong concept of rank; no matter what rank, they were comrades who shared life and death, they were brothers. Even though he was a major general, he never felt an ounce of superiority.

So, being a colonel, he truly didn't feel any sense of superiority, let alone any desire to show off; he really found it very ordinary.

"Damn it!" With a muffled thud, Qiao Yuanzheng slapped the armrest of the sofa and abruptly stood up, his face already an iron blue.

"Dad!" Qiao Yushan's face suddenly turned pale. Although her father was very doting towards her, it didn't mean that he had a good temper towards others. Being from a military background, he not only had a fiery temper but also staunchly upheld principles. Su Weifeng's attitude had truly angered her father.

Qiao Yuanzheng stepped directly in front of Su Weifeng and snapped, "Kid, you really fucking dare to talk nonsense, a colonel? I'll smack you dead!"

Su Weifeng leapt to his feet with a tap of his shoe heel, making a light sound, then puffed out his chest and gave a standard military salute, speaking loudly, "Reporting to the commander, Northern Military Region Storm Squad member Su Weifeng presents himself to you!"

Out of military instinct, Qiao Yuanzheng, who had rushed over, immediately returned a salute, then fixed his gaze on Su Weifeng. Su Weifeng stood erect with his chest out, directly making eye contact with Qiao Yuanzheng and said loudly, "Please instruct, commander!"

"Northern Military Region! Storm Squad!" Zhao Lianqing exclaimed in surprise.

"What's with the Storm Squad?" Song Yuru asked, puzzled.

Zhao Lianqing looked Su Wefeng over again and said, "The Storm Squad is the most powerful special forces unit in the Northern Military Region, full of military elites. It's an honor for anyone in the Northern Military Region to join the Storm Squad, but..."

"But what?" Qiao Yushan immediately asked. She was no longer concerned about whether the impersonation would be exposed, but was captivated by the topic.

Zhao Lianqing replied, "But... I have heard that members of the Storm Squad rarely transfer out. If they don't stay with the Storm Squad, they would usually take up a position in another department."

At that moment, Qiao Yuanzheng said in a solemn voice, "Kid, do you understand what your words represent?"

Su Weifeng said loudly, "The identity of a soldier cannot be desecrated in any way!"

Qiao Yuanzheng scrutinized Su Weifeng again. He sensed from Su Weifeng the straightforwardness and fiery spirit of a soldier, and also a restrained murderous aura—one that could only belong to someone who had truly been on the battlefield. Only having served many years in the army and having seen combat could he have detected it.

"Sit down," Qiao Yuanzheng nodded, his tone suddenly mellowing.

Qiao Yushan was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. Her father's attitude clearly indicated that he believed Su Weifeng's words, which was quite unexpected.

She had been ready to give up and reveal the truth, but now that her father believed and at least acknowledged it, it meant a lot. In this family, the one whose opinion truly mattered was her father. If he was dissatisfied, there was no way to continue. Now, with this development, it seemed the matter could still go on.

Zhao Lianqing frowned slightly and said, "Although the Storm Squad's ranks are high, as far as I know, the captain might only be at the rank of colonel, right? Could Brother Su be the captain of the Storm Squad?" His voice carried a hint of mockery. If one were really a captain in the Storm Squad, how could they retire at such a young age?

"I was only the deputy," Su Weifeng said casually.

"Only the deputy?" Zhao Lianqing's eyes widened in shock, and then anger crossed his face as he said, "Don't think that because you're in the special forces, you can maintain complete secrecy. With just one phone call, my uncle can confirm your identity."

Su Weifeng replied, "It would be good to confirm that; at least it can prove that as a soldier, I can still be honest and trustworthy."

As he spoke, Su Weifeng glanced at Qiao Yushan. She immediately understood his meaning, glared at him, and then nodded her head, signifying to Su Weifeng that she would also keep her promises.

The statement was quite forthright, and Song Yuru felt a bit awkward, but still said, "Old Qiao, go ahead and make a call. I'm really curious, how can someone as young as young Su have reached such a rank."

Qiao Yuanzheng nodded. Although he now believed Su Weifeng, he felt somewhat puzzled.

With Qiao Yuanzheng's rank, verifying such a matter was certainly not difficult. Very soon, one phone call confirmed Su Weifeng's rank and identity, but other details involved classified information, which even Qiao Yuanzheng did not have the clearance to inquire about.

"He's actually a real colonel?" Song Yuru showed a smile and then addressed Su Weifeng, "Young Su, don't take offense at Uncle and Auntie's caution. There are a lot of imposters posing as military personnel in society right now. Besides, the rank you mentioned is just too unbelievable. We had our doubts, and I hope you can understand."

Su Weifeng promptly revealed a bright smile and said, "Auntie, it's very normal. I initially didn't want to reveal my rank, just to avoid any suspicion. Your concerns stem from your desire to protect Yushan."

Song Yuru's smile deepened as she said, "Yes, yes, everyone is looking out for Yushan's best interests. You, young man, are truly remarkable. Just look at your uncle; after working for most of his life, he's only a senior colonel, while you, so young, are already a colonel."

Qiao Yuanzheng's face darkened. Why did this remark feel so awkward? As if my rank of senior colonel isn't good enough for you? He had been quite satisfied with Su Weifeng, but now he suddenly felt a little displeased. If this young man were so outstanding, and if I became his father-in-law, how could I maintain any authority in front of him?

Zhao Lianqing, meanwhile, was extremely frustrated. He had always considered himself outstanding, believed he was better than Su Weifeng, and thought that Qiao Yushan wouldn't be taken away. Now, however, he was overwhelmed with a strong sense of crisis.