Chapter 10 Intimate Photo_1

"Auntie! Uncle!" Lin Xuanxuan ran over like a little bird.

Song Yuru immediately smiled and took Lin Xuanxuan's hand, saying, "Xuanxuan, you're getting prettier and prettier. Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

Lin Xuanxuan immediately pouted and shook Song Yuru's arm, pleading, "Auntie, can we not always focus on these matters? My sister has a boyfriend now, and your attention is on me again. Please, spare me; I don't want to find a boyfriend that early. I haven't had enough fun yet."

"You're only a year younger than your sister, and you're not that young anymore. I'm caring about you, and you're still not happy?" Song Yuru glared at Lin Xuanxuan but continued on the topic anyway.

Lin Xuanxuan's expression fell, and she said, "Fine, fine, you care about me. But today we're out here to have fun, so let's put this matter aside for now." Then she let go of Song Yuru and ran directly to Qiao Yushan, looking aggrieved as she said, "Sis, that's not very nice of you. You got a boyfriend, and you didn't even tell me. Do you still consider me your sister or not?"

Qiao Yushan had already exchanged a glance with Su Weifeng earlier, knowing nothing was blown, and felt relieved as she said, "Do I have to report everything to you?"

Lin Xuanxuan, looking even more aggrieved, said, "Qiao Yushan, you've changed. Now that you have a boyfriend, you don't like your little sister anymore. You favor love over your sibling. I despise you."

Qiao Yushan tapped Lin Xuanxuan on the head and glared at her, "Stop overacting here. Aren't you finding out about it today anyway?"

Su Weifeng said with a smile, "It's pretty hot outside. Let's all get in the car and talk."

Zhao Lianqing looked at everyone chatting and laughing, suddenly feeling very out of place, truly a mix of emotions.

"Xiao Zhao, come on the car. What are you thinking about?" Song Yuru's voice rang in his ear.

Zhao Lianqing's spirits were lifted. Song Yuru still thought highly of him, and this boosted his confidence once again.

Several people got into the car. Qiao Yuanzheng and Song Yuru sat in the back row; Qiao Yushan and Lin Xuanxuan took the front row; Su Weifeng drove, with Zhao Lianqing sitting in the passenger's seat.

Along the way, Lin Xuanxuan's voice filled the car, and the atmosphere wasn't dull at all. This lively girl indeed knew how to lighten the mood.

After more than an hour's drive, the car turned from a rugged path finally into a valley.

As they turned into the valley, everyone felt a sudden expanse before their eyes, and Lin Xuanxuan excitedly exclaimed, "It's so beautiful, all natural!"

Su Weifeng parked the car by a small lake, and everyone got out to look around at the scenery.

"Not bad, not bad. This place hasn't been artificially altered or disturbed by tourists. It indeed is a great spot for relaxation!" Qiao Yuanzheng also praised.

Su Weifeng said with a smile, "Uncle, I've prepared fishing rods. Are you interested in catching a few? The fish from the mountains and waters here are extremely delicious."

"Sure!" Qiao Yuanzheng's eyes immediately lit up.

As Su Weifeng got fishing rods from the car, he turned to Song Yuru and said, "Auntie, there are also lots of wild greens in the mountains here. Would you like to gather some?"

Taking the basket and small shovel from Su Weifeng, Song Yuru laughed and said, "Are you making the two of us work to prepare a picnic for you all?"

Su Weifeng laughed and said, "We don't know which wild greens are tasty, so we have to rely on Auntie to make a move."

"All right, I'll take care of it."

Before Qiao Yushan came here, she had been concerned that her parents might not have a good time, but now they obviously seemed very satisfied.

Walking over to Su Weifeng, Qiao Yushan asked in confusion, "How did you know my dad likes fishing? And how did you know my mom likes to pick wild vegetables?"

"It's quite simple, men, especially those at Uncle's position, tend to seek peace and tranquility. Even if he didn't especially like it before, in this kind of environment, fishing is obviously the most appropriate activity. As for your Auntie, that's even simpler. At her age, eating wild vegetables is a form of health preservation. Being able to dig them up by herself adds a rare element of fun to the experience, so of course, she wouldn't refuse."

"You're quite good at analyzing human nature," said Qiao Yushan in surprise, unable to help praising him.

Su Weifeng smiled slightly, responding, "I'm someone who believes in doing what I say, and I have to do it well, otherwise, I wouldn't promise at all."

"Being true to your word! That's a good quality," Qiao Yushan nodded, her appreciation for Su Weifeng growing.

"Come on, with such a beautiful scene, let me take some photos of you both," Lin Xuanxuan ran over.

Qiao Yushan immediately said subconsciously, "No need, go and enjoy yourself."

Lin Xuanxuan said with a grin, "With such beautiful scenery, if you don't take a couple of photos, isn't that a wasted trip? Let me tell you, in the future, you might not even have the time to come here again."

It wasn't that Qiao Yushan didn't want to take photos; she just didn't want to take them with Su Weifeng, but now she could no longer refuse and had to stand next to him.

"Hey, can you two get a bit closer? Hey, what's with those expressions? Smile a bit, wait, brother-in-law, wrap your arm around my sister a bit more, sis, can you act a bit coyer, and not always have that stern face on?"

"Are you going to take the photo or what, with all these demands?" Qiao Yushan, growing impatient with Lin Xuanxuan's directions, glared.

"It's not that I'm being picky; it's your performance... man, I feel like even couples from thirty years ago weren't like this," said Lin Xuanxuan.

Lin Xuanxuan's comment instantly dissipated all of Qiao Yushan's irritation. Indeed, Su Weifeng was her boyfriend—taking a photo with one's boyfriend shouldn't be awkward.

And having behaved like that just now, she really wondered if Lin Xuanxuan had noticed something.

However, Su Weifeng just laughed and said, "Xuanxuan, although your sister and I have known each other for over a month, we haven't actually taken photos together, especially not with someone else taking them for us. It's not natural; have a little more patience with us, alright?"

"What's so unnatural about taking a photo? You two are incredibly old-fashioned. I really don't get how the two of you ended up together," Lin Xuanxuan commented dismissively, her mouth twitching.

Su Weifeng placed his hand on Qiao Yushan's shoulder and gently squeezed it, then wrapped his arm around her.

Qiao Yushan's body was still somewhat stiff, but she braced herself and leaned into Su Weifeng, thinking to herself: It's just a photo, there's nothing to it.

"Smile a bit! Sweeter! Click! Click! Click!"

Lin Xuanxuan pressed the shutter button on her phone non-stop, capturing the couple's intimate poses together.