Chapter 12 Strength Doesn't Allow It_1

By the time the barbecue grill was set up, Su Weifeng once again demonstrated his cooking skills, and both Qiao Yuanzheng and Song Yuru were even more impressed with him.

As parents, besides a son-in-law being good to their daughter, there is another important criterion to consider, which is his capability. A capable son-in-law not only assures a blessed future for their daughter but also brings fortune to the in-laws.

Clearly, Su Weifeng's abilities in this area were extremely strong, as he had thought everything through so meticulously that it required no worry on their part.

While the elderly couple did not voice their approval outright, Lin Xuanxuan was generous with her praise for Su Weifeng.

"Brother-in-law, your grilling skills are really not bad. The grilled skewers are so fragrant and tender, it's my first time tasting such delicious skewers."

Su Weifeng laughed and said, "Now you are exaggerating a bit."