Chapter 24 Play Big_1

"Wanna bet even bigger?" Rocket stared at Su Weifeng like he was some kind of monster, then cracked a grin and said, "How big do you wanna go?"

"A hundred thousand is too little—let's make it a million," Su Weifeng replied indifferently.

A million!

Everyone inhaled sharply.

A hundred thousand, for most people here, was already a huge amount of money. The ones who come here to play aren't the type to have their own businesses, unless they come from extremely wealthy families.

A million was simply an astronomical sum.

Although Rocket was a provincial champion and used to earn some prize money from competitions, it wasn't a lot. Plus, with his spending habits, he didn't have that much saved up.

Rocket's mouth twitched, and he asked, "Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious. Are you scared?" Su Weifeng looked at him with an even gaze.

"Me, scared?" Rocket let out a cold laugh and said, "Alright then, let's bet a million. But what if you lose and refuse to pay up?"