Chapter 49 Scared to Death_1

Qiao Yushan's work was really busy. Aside from her regular duties, there were also social engagements that left her overwhelmed. Today was yet another business networking event—an alliance in her industry had organized it, and everyone in attendance was either in the same industry or related to it. Such an event allowed all parties to satisfy their supply and demand needs without having to seek out clients on their own. For both large and small companies, it presented a fabulous opportunity.

Qiao Yushan attended personally and brought along two mid-level managers from her company, hoping to find even better partnership opportunities.

Aside from large company CEOs like Qiao Yushan, there were also representatives from smaller companies. For these smaller entities, the networking event was an extraordinary chance—if they managed to establish cooperation with a big company, it could lead to a significant leap in their business's quality.