Chapter 82 Now I'm Your Girlfriend_1

"Did you do all this?"

It took a while, but Qiao Yushan finally recovered from the shock and looked straight at Su Weifeng.

"Sort of," Su Weifeng admitted, then picked up his chopsticks and said, "Oh man, I forgot something. I forgot to have that bastard pay the bill, and now we have to foot the bill ourselves."

Qiao Yushan's face darkened as she said, "You just knocked Director Wu down just like that, this is..." She was at a loss for words.

Su Weifeng stuffed a bite of food into his mouth, chewing while he mumbled vaguely, "Come on, eat up. We're paying for this ourselves, so it would be a big loss not to eat."

"You..." Qiao Yushan's mouth twitched, then she picked up her chopsticks and started serving Su Weifeng, saying, "Eat, eat, that's all you know. I'll keep you company today."

After eating for a while, Qiao Yushan's resentment had dissipated, and she softened her tone, "Weifeng, I really owe you big time for this one."