Chapter 212: The Profligate Son_1

Zhao Xueli's family was very wealthy. To put it in the most common yet solid terms, they owned a mine.

There was a large coal mine in his family's possession. Although the price of coal hadn't been very high in recent years, not like the explosive profits of the past, his family had already accumulated a good deal of capital. Now, they still had a few billion yuan to their name.

Due to the past windfall profits, his family's wealth had accumulated rapidly. Although Zhao Xueli's name came with a scholarly aura, in reality, he was a nothing more than a wealthy and spoiled scion without any real knowledge or skills.

Just a few days ago, he had spent over four million yuan on a new yacht, and today he was out to have fun with his friends on it.

"Brother Li, look, there are quite a few beauties over there."

"Yeah, really a lot of them, each one fair-skinned, beautiful, and with long legs. Where did they all come from?"