Chapter 234 The Water Father Comes to Acquire the Company_1

"Xiaoshu, no wonder you never wanted to bring your boyfriend out. He's so outstanding and stylish, are you afraid we'll steal him away?"

"Exactly, exactly, I'm really smitten, he's just too handsome. Lin Yu, in front of your boyfriend, you're nothing but trash!"

Zhou Xiaoshu looked at her two roommates staring at Su Weifeng like he was a superstar, which made her feel even more embarrassed. She could only apologize to Su Weifeng with a shy and apologetic tone, "Brother Su, I'm really sorry, they're just too boisterous."

With a faint smile on his face, Su Weifeng said, "I can see you have a good relationship with each other, a joke here and there is no big deal."

Hearing their conversation, Yao Yayu and Shen Mengqing looked at them in surprise. Shen Mengqing asked doubtfully, "Are you two really not in that kind of relationship?"

Zhou Xiaoshu rolled her eyes at them and said, "How many times do I have to tell you?"