Chapter 256: Finally Telling the Truth_1

"Speak, what exactly is going on between you two? Have you been lying to me all this time?"

Lin Xuanxuan suddenly stood up, looming over Su Weifeng, her presence full of intimidation.

Su Weifeng sighed, then gave a wry smile and said, "Actually, your sister and I, our relationship is fake."

Lin Xuanxuan frowned and asked, "Fake? What do you mean?"

"It means that our relationship as a couple was never real. That day, I was pressured by my mother to go on a blind date, and I happened to meet your sister. She was also being pressured by your aunt and uncle to find a boyfriend, so the two of us discussed it and agreed to help each other out by becoming a fake couple."

Su Weifeng then explained everything from beginning to end.

After listening, Lin Xuanxuan stared at Su Weifeng, dumbfounded, and remained silent for a long time.