Chapter 265: The Hardworking Sun Yumeng_1

At noon, when it was time for lunch, four people sat down at the same table.

Su Weifeng gained a deeper understanding of these two fellows.

Zheng Yulong and Zhou Mingyang, whose families had partnered to establish a film production company with a scale of about one billion, ran a business that was neither big nor small—in the entire province, it roughly ranked within the top ten.

After graduating from college, both Zheng Yulong and Zhou Mingyang went to work in the film production company to gain experience.

Although they didn't go into great detail, Su Weifeng knew that both of them were scions of elite families, not only from the strength of their company but also from their manner of speaking and their insights.

However, these two guys were more interested in women. In their banter, they always managed to bring up Su Weifeng and Sun Yumeng.

As a result, Sun Yumeng spent the entire meal with a face so red it never faded, her head nearly bowing down to her plate.