Chapter 275 Mercenary?_1

Su Weifeng had just sent the two men flying when a sense of crisis emanated from behind him.

Immediately, Su Weifeng lunged forward, taking Zhu Xiaoxuan to the ground with him as an arrow whizzed past, narrowly missing his scalp.

If his reaction hadn't been so quick, that arrow would have surely skewered Zhu Xiaoxuan through and through.

No wonder the enemy hadn't used guns; they had been equipped with such lethal weapons all along.

Judging by the speed with which that arrow flew, their crossbow was extremely powerful.

In such darkness, the might of a crossbow was in no way inferior to firearms, prompting Su Weifeng to roll several times in succession with Zhu Xiaoxuan in tow.

Thud, thud!

Indeed, two arrows struck the spot where they had just been.

Thud, thud!

A few more arrows followed in quick succession, aiming for Su Weifeng.