Battle Arena

Clearly, the Giant-Horned Antelope had been roasted.

It had a burnt-yellow color and was dotted with red chili powder. When the brownish-green cumin powder was added to the roasted meat, it was very tempting.

Wang Yi gently cut the meat with the flying dagger in his hand and sliced off a piece of meat that was still steaming.

Wang Yi couldn't wait to put the meat into his mouth. After chewing it carefully, his eyes lit up.

Amidst the slight spiciness, there was the fresh and fragrant taste of oil that was not greasy. Meanwhile, the meat was extremely fresh and delicious. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the fragrance lingered in his mouth.

Then, he took another sip of fruit wine. However, Wang Yi frowned slightly.

It was a pity!

Although this type of fruit wine also tasted very good, it did not match the roasted meat.

If barbeque was not paired with beer, it would have no soul!